Monday, September 9, 2024

What Can We Learn From History?

I've been reading a great book called, Alcohol Friend or Foe? by Dr. James Jones, Jr.  I highly recommend the book. The author talks about his hometown of Harriman, TN, a little over 2 hrs. from where I live. Interestingly, the author heard from a long time resident that the man that gave the acreage for their town gave it with the stipulation that they would not sell alcohol. It became known as "the town that temperance built," and was founded by a group of temperance advocates in the late 19th century. This phrase was (and perhaps still is) on a historical marker in front of what used to be the city hall. They even had a university called American Temperance University, which opened in 1893. 

Several years back (around 1992), the city council was voting on whether or not to allow citizens of Harriman to change the city charter to make selling beer in city limits legal. Several pastors of the city formed the Committee For Preservation of the City Charter, to preserve the charter and keep their promise that the town was built upon. However, the city council decided that selling beer would generate a lot of revenue. They felt it would cause many businesses to come into the town because they could sell beer. They assumed people didn't want to build businesses due to the restrictions of temperance. They threatened that taxes would increase and they would lose their city schools if they didn't make this change. So it was passed, and their utility bills went up. They lost their city schools to the county, as they could no longer finance them. The pastor who took a strong stand against it and encouraged the other pastors to form the committee to save the city charter was pressured by the church officers to resign, and he did. Their church covenant read: " abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage..." At that time there were 28 Baptist churches in Harriman, TN. Why weren't they taking a stronger stand? 

Now they have Tri-Dog Brewing Company. There are at least three package stores in the town, which I found in a search this morning. They have a Bar and Grille. Wed., Feb. 1, 2023 there is an article on the internet entitled, "The Temperance Town Brewhouse Coming to Harriman." The article reads, "I am pleased and proud to announce to you that something great is coming to Harriman! A 20,000 square foot brewhouse in the former location of Rock Top General Store in beautiful downtown South Harriman! You will also be amazed and proud to have this establishment in our community. Look for Temperance Town Brewhouse to open sometime around late spring to early summer 2023...A love for these kinds of places prompted Tri Dog Brewery Company to join in this effort..." They kept "Temperance Town" in their title.  What a mockery of a town that had promised to never sell alcohol! Notice the word, "proud." 

The residents in Harriman were told that "great revenue comes through the sale of alcohol. The fact is, for every dollar of tax revenue, the tax payer's cost is more than $4.00; actually, it is closer to $5.00. Of course, this takes into consideration, rehabilitation of the drinker, rebuilding of health, property loss due to accidents, added police workers, loss of down time due to absenteeism from drunkenness, workman's compensation from injury due to alcohol, crime, prisons, increase on insurance rates, etc...I have read an article proclaiming that ninety percent of all crimes are alcohol related" (Alcohol Friend or Foe, p. 35). I met with our sheriff here in Blairsville a few weeks ago, and while statistics have not been kept, he did say that "most crimes are [related to alcohol]," or particularly in our area, drugs.

Let's consider Murphy, NC, a little closer to home. They voted in alcohol to be sold within city limits, but didn't include the county, only those living in city limits in 2008. It passed, but many citizens in Murphy speculate that had they allowed the entire county (Murphy is a large area, and the city limits is much smaller) to vote, it would not have passed.

Let's bring it right to home: Blairsville, GA, the next town south of Murphy, NC. Blairsville is part of Union County, and it used to be a dry county. A vote was taken a few years ago on whether or not to allow the sale of alcohol, and they voted no. However, I’m told a second vote was taken when several people were away, and it passed. It is very difficult to take something like that away once it passes. Now we have breweries, distilleries, restaurants that serve alcohol, bars (Grandpappy Mims), Blairsville Social, etc., and even Walmart has a large section of alcohol in it. Across our nation the alcohol industry is booming! Even during COVID, when the government wanted churches closed, bars could stay open. I've been out West for vacation the past two years and I can testify to the large presence of alcohol, and even gambling, across our nation. Even Cracker Barrel is selling alcohol now! And closer to home, Comfort Grub in Murphy, NC.

Alcohol brings with it a curse. It allows legal ground for the devil in your life. And if you sell it, or offer it to someone else, a curse is put on you also. I only recently became aware of this powerful verse: Habakkuk 2:15: "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to him..." 

Proverbs 20:1: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." James 1:15: "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Sin brings death. Oh, how many regret having fallen into its trap.

Drinking alcohol as a beverage works just like sin, which works to deceive the person into thinking they are in control, when really the sin controls the person. It is addictive and has ruined many lives. This is not new; we have seen this countless times, so why are we not learning from history? Why are we not learning from our own mistakes?

The good news is this: Jesus Christ has overcome the world. In John 16:33, Jesus said: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." He broke the chains of sin and death, and He is the Hope of the world. Trust in Jesus as your Savior, and He will break your chains of sin and darkness. He is the only One who can because of His authority and payment He made with His own blood on the cross, taking your punishment and offering you for free this highly valuable gift of salvation and forgiveness of your sin. With the Holy Spirit indwelling you after you accept Jesus as your Savior, you will then have the power to overcome the addiction of alcohol. 

The best way to not become ensnared in alcohol is to never start drinking it as a beverage. Let's work on PREVENTION!

Churches, I know the church covenant is on many of your church walls. It is on ours. Please take a stand in our community if you are not already. We need you. Let's not be like Harriman. Establishments can sell addicting substances, but we don't have to buy them. They will continue to sell when there is a demand, and from a purely business standpoint, who could blame them. The addictive nature of the alcohol keeps you coming for more, which means more profits. The lie is that you have to have alcohol to have a good time. No, Blairsville has known how to have good family fun time without alcohol for years. Let's not be deceived, whether you live in Blairsville or anywhere else on the face of the earth. 

Let's be the city on the hill that stands for righteousness. God will be honored, and we will keep sin at bay.


Temperance Hall

The former American Temperance University, Harriman, TN

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What Can We Learn From History?

I've been reading a great book called, Alcohol Friend or Foe? by Dr. James Jones, Jr.  I highly recommend the book. The author talks abo...