Friday, May 17, 2024

What's the Problem with Alcohol?

If you have read my first two blog posts, "Culture Shock" and "Doorways," you will understand why I have decided to step forth out of my comfort zone to speak out against alcohol, among other doorways, in Union County. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that so many people are still promoting alcohol. It's a great money-maker, and it is a way people self-medicate for mental health illness. It also promotes social gatherings. Some like the taste of it, and like how they feel while they are drinking (maybe not so much once it wears off). Some drink a little wine for medicinal purposes. It may be stylish, depending on who you hang around. It shuts down inhibitions, so people sometimes feel they have a better sense of humor while drinking, and loosen up to have more fun. I think also some may feel like they fit in better with their friends when they drink alcohol.

What about the down sides? Have you known anyone whose life has been damaged or destroyed from the effects of alcohol? How many families has it broken? How many jobs have been lost due to this addiction? How many have been killed from drunk drivers? How many wish they could stop drinking but the addiction has them in its clutch? How many have ended up with cirrhosis of the liver? 

When did we think we needed alcoholic beverages to be sociable? Why not drink lemonade, soda, water, coffee, or sweet tea? Have you tried counseling, church, prayer, finding good friends, or a good healthcare provider to help? Have you considered the amount of money you could save if you didn't purchase addictive substances? Have you ever mixed alcohol with your prescription meds and put yourself at risk for an interaction?

Did you know this? "According to a U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, more than twenty million Americans aged twelve or older suffered from an addiction in 2015. That number included millions of teens and young adults. Studies have shown that 40 percent of twelfth-graders, 30 percent of tenth-graders, and 13 percent of eighth-graders have used a drug in the past year.

"Three addictive substances top the list of drugs favored by young abusers: alcohol, marijuana, and opioids. Teens and young adults misuse alcohol more than any other substance.

"Studies also show that in 30 to 50 percent of teen suicide cases, substance abuse is actually a part of the event itself; a large number of teens who take their own lives do so not only while they’re intoxicated but because they’re intoxicated. Intoxicating substances tend to worsen any mental or emotional problems an adolescent may already have. At the same time, they remove any inhibitions that may keep a teen from carrying out his desperate plan. No wonder the result is often tragic."

What amazes me is that we know better! Alcohol has been around for a very long time, and we have seen over and over the harm that it does. And yes, people who want to get it will get it, whether legally or illegally. Sin is in the heart of each of us, and that corruption is what is behind wrong choices we make in any area of our lives. This applies to obesity when it's cause is the sin of gluttony, drug addiction, sexual immorality, domestic abuse, crimes against humanity, etc. But if law enforcement, our local government, parents, teachers and principals, churches, and others in authority embrace corruption, then what will be the end result? How far will it go? 

Leaders in authority need to be moral and frown on the use of destructive substances. It should be discouraged, not encouraged. The reason that open carry of alcohol, while shut down this time, will keep coming to the ballot is that evil will never stop trying to overcome good. But we are commanded in Scripture, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). What will Blairsville, GA's leadership do to discourage the use of harmful drugs and alcohol? I encourage discussion for ideas to protect the citizens of this town and county, to promote a culture of safety and health. 

I for one am stepping forward to take a stand for our children and our community to place a focus on Healthy Minds for Better Lives. We need clarity of thought to fight evil temptations and promote good in our families and communities. This starts with me. It starts with you. Each of our hearts needs repentance of our sin before a holy God, trust in Jesus Christ to save us from our corruption and sin, and walk in newness of life. Find a good church. Simplify life as much as you can. I am committed to continue to encourage you to stand for what is right.

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What Can We Learn From History?

I've been reading a great book called, Alcohol Friend or Foe? by Dr. James Jones, Jr.  I highly recommend the book. The author talks abo...