Friday, May 17, 2024

Culture Shock

Like you may have experienced, I've been in culture shock the past four years. I've marveled at the changes I've seen in America and around the world. It feels like we're in a bad dream that won't end. Most of us in America have been so comfortable that we have been referred to as "sleeping." We have blindly trusted where we should have been more skeptical. We haven't paid attention to the warning signs. Now that our eyes are beginning to open up to the harsh reality that our government doesn't always have our best interest at heart, the political right claims we have "awakened." We are coming back to a place where we consider ourselves patriots, and we cherish our constitution and our Bible, and believe we should all act with good morals, law and order, justice and mercy, and grace. The far left have decided to claim a similar term: "Woke." They are counter culture and trying to "cancel" our American heritage and history and oppose moral living. Many are paid to do this.

So much corruption has been revealed in our country since 2020. I'm amazed at how much I didn't know was occurring behind the scenes that was not good. Those who understand biblical prophecy can see how Satan has been working for years to set up the antichrist. Parts of the Bible such as the book of Revelation, Daniel, Matthew 24, and 1 Thessalonians 4 tell us about things to come. When we see AI coming along; chips being developed to implant in the skin to buy and sell; world economies failing; movement toward a one-world digital currency, one-world government, and one-world religion; the world becoming more openly evil, etc., we are not surprised, but we are still saddened. It's hard to see our nation that we love so much and whom our heroes died suffer, and we hope we don't get turned over to communism by evil leaders whom many believe hijacked the White House. 

Will our military fight for us? Will we be taken hostage or taken as slaves? Will terrorists in our country attack us from within when given the order to do so? Where are our American heroes? Oh, right. Apparently we are. We have to be. Who else will protect our children? We must.

I'm a Bible believer. You cannot believe in God without believing in Satan. Like every good story, you have a good guy and a bad guy. If you're a Christian, God is the good guy and Satan is the bad guy. If you are a Satanist, Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy. 

North Georgia is full of people who love God, and I know this because I see them every day. I work and live in this community. I have personally met many of our veterans who risked their lives and sacrificed for our freedoms, and they are grieving for this country they fought so hard to protect. If age didn't deter them, they would fight again in a heartbeat to preserve our constitution and this nation they love. 

But perhaps not everyone who lives here loves God. We have to use wisdom and discernment as we walk this life. Blairsville is the "Land of Lakes, Mountains, Scenic Beauty and Friendly People.” As the dark cloud of evil spreads across our nation, we have to be ready for it so it doesn't overtake us and destroy the heart of this community that puts Jesus first. The battle is real. Our children need real heroes. Are you ready to fight evil, at least by standing firm upon what is right by God's standards, and not wavering? What is the alternative?

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